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Privacy Policy

Hansung Food values your personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection. Hansung Food values your personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection.

Hansung Food & Farming Cooperative Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company') has the following processing policy to protect the personal information and rights and interests of users in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and to handle users' grievances related to personal information smoothly. If the Company revises the Privacy Policy, it will be notified through the website announcement (or individual notice). This policy is effective from the date of opening the website.
1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
The Company processes personal information for the following purposes. The processed personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the following purposes, and if the purpose of use is changed, the Company will take necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
① Customer consultation: Personal information is processed for the purpose of contact notification to confirm and answer product-related inquiries, notification of processing results, etc.
② Providing information: The Company processes personal information for the purpose of providing information on programs hosted by the Company.
The Company collects personal information in the following ways
- Website
2. Items of Personal Information Processed
The Company processes the following personal information items
A. Customer consultation
- Required items: name, contact information, e-mail
B. Information provision
- Required items: name, contact information, e-mail
3. Processing and retention period of personal information
① The Company shall process and retain personal information within the period of retention and use of personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations or the period of retention and use of personal information agreed upon when collecting personal information from the information subject.
② The specific personal information processing and retention periods are as follows.
A. Customer consultation: Personal information is processed for the purpose of contact notification to confirm and answer product-related inquiries, notification of processing results, etc.
B. Information provision: Personal information is processed for the purpose of providing information on programs hosted by the Company.
C. Retention period of personal information: 5 years
4. Destruction of personal information
① In principle, the Company shall destroy personal information without delay after the retention period if the purpose of processing personal information has been achieved. The procedure, deadline, and method of destruction are as follows.
- Destruction procedure: The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate DB after the purpose is achieved (separate documents in case of paper) and stored for a certain period of time in accordance with internal policies and other relevant laws and regulations, or destroyed immediately. In this case, the personal information transferred to the DB will not be used for any other purpose unless required by law.
- Period of destruction: The personal information of the user shall be destroyed within 5 days from the end of the retention period if the retention period of the personal information has elapsed, or within 5 days from the date when the personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the achievement of the purpose of processing the personal information, the abolition of the service, or the termination of the business.
- Destruction method: Information in the form of electronic files is destroyed using technical methods that do not allow the records to be reproduced. Personal information printed on paper shall be destroyed by shredding or incineration.
5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
① The Company shall, in principle, process the personal information of users within the scope specified in the “1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information”, and shall not use the original scope or provide it to others or other companies, organizations, etc. without the prior consent of users.
6. Consignment of personal information processing
① The Company does not entrust personal information, and if personal information is entrusted, the Company will notify at least 15 days in advance through a separate announcement and revise the privacy policy.
7. Rights, obligations, and methods of exercise of information subjects
The information subject may exercise the following rights related to personal information protection at any time against the Company.
A. Request to view personal information
B. Request for correction if there is an error
C. Request for deletion
D. Request for suspension of processing
② The exercise of the rights under Paragraph 1 may be made in writing, e-mail, FAX, etc. to the Company in accordance with the form in Appendix 8 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act, and the Company will take action without delay.
③ If the information subject requests the correction or deletion of errors in personal information, the Company shall not use or provide the personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.
④ The exercise of the rights under Paragraph 1 may be made through an agent, such as the legal representative of the information subject or a person who has been delegated. In this case, you must submit a letter of delegation in the form of Appendix No. 11 to the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act.
8. Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Personal Information Collection Devices
① The Company operates 'cookies' that store and retrieve your information from time to time.
A. What is a cookie?
- In order to provide personalized and customized services, the Company uses 'cookies' that store and retrieve user information from time to time.
- A cookie is a very small text file sent to the user's browser by the server used to operate the website and stored on the user's computer's hard disk. When you subsequently visit the website, the website server reads the contents of the cookie stored on your hard disk to maintain your preferences and provide you with personalized services.
- Cookies do not automatically or actively collect personally identifiable information, and users can refuse to store or delete these cookies at any time.
B. Purpose of the Company's use of cookies
- Cookies are used to provide optimized information on the website visited by users.
C. Installation/operation and rejection of cookies
- Users have the option to install cookies. Therefore, users can allow all cookies by setting options in their web browser, confirm each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.
- To refuse the setting of cookies, you can select the option of the web browser you use to accept all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.

9. Personal Information Manager
The Company is responsible for the processing of personal information in general, and has designated a person in charge of personal information protection as follows to handle complaints and damage relief of information subjects related to the processing of personal information.
▶ Personal Information Protection Officer
- Department Name: Business Management Team
- Person in charge: Namhoon Park
- Contact: hansungfood0413@naver.com
② The information subject may inquire about all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaints, damage relief, etc. arising from the use of the Company's services to the person in charge of personal information protection and the department in charge. The Company will respond to and handle the inquiries of the information subject without delay.